
Thursday, August 30, 2007


Welcome to Submission

Your best source for ISLAM (SUBMISSION) on the Internet

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

"We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves,
until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord
not sufficient as a witness of all things?"


"When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint."

Have a look and ponder

We see it now in the years 1999/2000! and Quran mentioned it almost 1400 years ago.

The picture is taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope of the "Cat's Eye Nebula." It is an exploding star 3,000 light years away. They should have called it the " Red Rose Nebula." As the Quran states in Sura 55 "Ar-Rahman",

[ar-Rahman 55:37] When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint.

[ar-Rahman 55:38] Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny?

Allahu Akbar

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